Hi there, I'm

Andrew McIntosh

Developer Adventurer Coffee Drinker

About Me

I’m a front-end developer.

I’m a coffee connoisseur.

I'm a Toronto native whose had the opportunity to live in South America and Africa! Now I live a stone's throw from the CN Tower.

After working in the travel and tourism industry I found a passion for collaborating on digital products and services design, and determined that working with other developers and product teams was where I wanted to be. So I made some major pivots in my life and career, and have been working on making that dream a reality.

I began my journey at a local bootcamp. And have since continued by immersing myself in all things Javascript, including the many development frameworks that are in use today.

When I’m not coding I’m either throwing around a barbell and weights at my CrossFit box or exploring an exciting neighbourhood in the Six!!


Here are a few cool skills I know


  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • CSS Flexbox
  • Javascript (ES6)
  • jQuery
  • Bootstrap
  • React


  • Node.js
  • Express
  • MongoDB
  • Mongoose
  • Passport


  • Trello
  • Jira
  • Git
  • Asana
  • Github
  • Invision
  • Sketch
  • Balsamiq


Here are a few cool things I've coded

Giphy Search

This is a responsive Giphy Search app I built using HTML, CSS3, Bootstrap, Javascript and jQuery, along with the Giphy API.

Coffeeshop Review

A full-stack app that allows users to add/review coffeeshops in Toronto built using Express, MongoDB, and Javascript

Mountain Travel Static Site

This is a static marketing page for a fictional mountain trekking tour company. It is built with HTML, CSS3, and Bootstrap.

Memory Game

This memory game built using React and CSS3

Pomodoro Clock

To help increase my productivity I created a Pomodoro Clock using Vanilla JS

Movie Database

This was a project I made during my BrainStation bootcamp, it is a searchable movie database using AngularJS